Prop 8 declared unconstitutional! Two of my best friends are gay and they often mourn the fact that they can't get married in our state.I hope Ohio will hurry up and let my friends get married. It depresses me how this country is being held back by the same people who didn't want African American's to have rights. We're all human. Lets all love how we want to.
Sorry this is a little messy, it took me five minutes maybe less to do this. I should have extended the purple up a bit more and maybe blended it into the blue more. There is no orange because my brother still has Charmander. He actually hid it some where in his room so I can't take it. >.<
What I used:
Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy
Shiro cosmetics e/s in Acid ( On the inner part of the lid.)
Shiro cosmetics e/s in Squirtle ( In the middle of the lid.)
Shiro cosmetics e/s in Rattata ( Used on outer crease and on the outer part of the lash line.)
Shiro cosmetics e/s in Mew ( Used on the middle of the lower lash line.)
Shiro cosmetics e/s Pikachu ( Used on the inner corner of the lower lash line and the inner corner of the upper lid.)
Fyrinnae e/s in Nijiro ( As a highlighter used on the crease and brow bone.)
N.Y.C. eyeliner in black
Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliner in zero
Nyx Round Lipstick in Thaila
Spread the joy!!!
Amazing! Such a pretty job.
ReplyDeleteI love this colour combination - so pretty!
ReplyDeleteLove the rainbow look for a pride moment!
ReplyDeleteThis is adorable! I love the rainbow!
ReplyDeleteThis is definitely my favorite look of yours! I love it. When I think about gay rights I'm just hoping that soon enough it will be so normal that we will look back on this discrimination the way we do on African American discrimination and be like "wow, how lame and archaic".
ReplyDeleteThis is SO pretty ^____^ I love Acid on your inner lid
ReplyDeleteI love this look! And yay for California! Let's hope it spreads quickly.
ReplyDeleteI love rainbow looks and you did such an amazing job.
ReplyDeleteYou'd think Ohio would be more into gay rights with how big their gay community is there. I used to live there and saw and met gay couples all the time. Why are they so behind? I don't get it.
What are you even talking about, this looks so pretty! I'm really glad you did this because I have been eying Shiro on Etsy for a while now...I mean who can resist Pokemon themed eyeshadow? haha
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree with you about the Prop 8 thing..I live in South Carolina so you can only imagine the ignorance I deal with here.
I was so surprised but so happy when I heard that piece of news! I agree with kathyeffingjacobs, I hope the same happens in other places.
ReplyDeleteYour make-up is gorgeous as usual! I want some Shiro so much, but I know that it's mainly because of the Pokemon names so I'm going to restrain myself for now XD
Cydonian- Thank you honey.
ReplyDeleteScrubbingupwell- Thanks, it was loads of fun to do.
Robyn- Thanks honey *cheers* <3
Phyrra- Thank you duckie. :D
Heather-Thank you sweetie. It would be amazing for our kids to be like "Oh wow you guys were lame, everyone is equal now and the world is awesome."
Silhouettescreams- Fank yooouuu!!!! Acid is a-mazing over Pixie Epoxy.
Kathy-<3 <3 Thank you and lets all light that fire.
BLIX- Columbus has a HUGE gay community. According to one of the boys C-bus is the third largest community in the country. We're all hoping they'll pass gay marriage before we all leave the state lol.
Annamax- Thank you, oh man Shiro is great, they're a little sheer but they are great quality. Oh man I'm sorry, the South is... the South. *hug*
Simone- Thank you sweetie. I hope it catches and the whole world knows how it's ok to love. :D
You're wonderful. I love this and the sentiment and meaning behind it. :)
ReplyDeleteHelen, I love you. You are SO BEAUTIFUL <3
ReplyDeletePS: I'm sorry, I can't help the following comment. It's the English teacher inside of me. Please don't haaate me! >.< To and Too have two totally different meanings. The one that you mean to use in the title of your blog, is "too" not "to"